Create your image part 1

First of all, I just want to thank all of you that follows our blog. There might be some post that does not apeal to you, and that is OK. Use this blog and our facebook page for what you think it’s worth – don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise! I hope you keep on sharing our blogposts and facebook page.

When that said, todays topic is a very large topic. It’s about specifics that you can do and change to create a good image for yourself. We will try to keep the posts brief, so you wont get tired from the length of it. Therefore will this topic be divided into several parts.

Your image is what other people view you as (No, you’re not supposed to live by other people’s expectations. Remember that this blog post is for YOU. If YOU want greater success, there might be some small things you may want to change). There are several factors that can both improve and decline your image – we’re focusing on the positive things for improvement!

Let’s cut right to the case:

1. commitment
You have to be a reliable person. What we all hate is people’s promises not being kept. For a company, real commitment to the company, a patriotic attitude if you may, can be viewed as really valueable. The secret to raise in pay is just this – the value you bring to the market. Also commitment helps you achieve what you want. If you’re commited to workout – going a amount of hours a week – you will achieve your health based on that commitment. If you commit to a relationship, your success in love will depend on your level of commitment to your partner. Based on this, we can say that commitment = level of achievement.

2. Energy and positiv attitude
I’ve chosen to put those together. The reason for this is that they co-relate. From science we know that out body is not anything but vibrating particles. Your energy level determines how you vibrate, and thereby attracting other things and people with the same vibrations. This has much to do with the law of attraction – something that will be discussed here later on! When you have a high level of energy, you get a clearer mind, and more positive attitude. This is so important. When you want to make a sale, you have to smile. If you want you colleagues to like you, you better smile. If you want a general positiv atmosphere around you, you have to bring some of that positivity – and the best way to do this is to have a positive energy! Start smiling at everyone you see. Don’t worry about them thinking “Why is he/she smiling at me?”. A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear, so why don’t look nice? Either way, everyone loves to be met with a smile. Everyone! Bring you positive energy, and positive things are going to happen!


3. Learning
You would want to be the guy/ girl that people respect. Great respect come from knowledge. You have to be eager to learn. Be eager to learn everyday. This is so important. We always excuse ourself with “I hate reading, I don’t want to read, I don’t have the time for reading”. Everyone has 24 hours a day of which 16 hours are dipsonible to be effective. If you read 10 pages of a book every night, you’ll have read a book in a month. Why not start with that? You will learn, you will sleep better, you will increase your reading skills and you get greater respect. You become a greater resource. You become confident. I don’t see anything wrong with reading. I did earlier. I didn’t like it. I hated it. What I did when I started reading books was getting a book I felt I had something back from. I didn’t read a novel, I read books in psycology, personal development, the secret, sales books! The difference with these books, for me, is that I felt I got something in return from reading them. Find out what you get something in return from. It might be this blog, it might be a novel – whatever makes you satisfied!
Ok, I think this is enough for today. Feel free to share and comment!

Have a great weekend, everyone 🙂

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Why We Succeed

Achieve your goals by making small adjustments

In marketing concepts, especially digital marketing, we are taught that progression is a outcome of trying and failing. The same things matters in life. We have to try and fail, try and fail.

Thomas Edison said something like this when he succeeded in inventing the light bulb after 1000 attempts “I have not failed a single time. I’ve only found 999 ways of not making a light bulb”


How he found a way to make the light bulb, was by making small changes every try, until he achieved perfection – creating light by electricity.

We can relate that to various of things in life. For example: When you drive a car, you don’t drive a straight line. You don’t drive all the way in a perfect distance from the sidelines. You drive from side to side, always making tiny corrections to get back on track. – Try holding your steeringwheel in a steady possition on a straight road. At some time, you’re going off the road, and will have to make a correction.

These small adjustments along the way will lead you to achieving your goals. You have to try, fail, evaluate and correct.

We’re often closer to our goals than we actually realize. We’re often standing in the end-zone, not knowing how to really make the touch-down (American football reference). We have to figure this out by small adjustments. If you’re doing something, and you’re doing it wrong, you have to adjust!

Albert Einstein said something like “The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over agian and expect different results”.

When you play golf, you know that by making small adjustments to the swing – as little as 1 milimeter – your outcome, or your spot when the ball lands, is completely different. You have to, in this scenario, work on your swing, adjust, correct and perfect your swing, so that your outcome can improve.


Start making small adjustments in your life today, and you will soon experience different come in income, love, social life, health, happiness etc. Start today. Don’t wait. Be more positive, more encouraging, more kind!

In future posts, we will be talking about mutliple simple improvement and adjustments you can make to improve your charisma, integrity and authority to improve your surroundings, so follow our next posts. You’re going to be so glad you did.

Start by evaluate where you are now, what you could try to adjust, and take action!

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Why We Succeed


We have earlier talked about the cause for what we’re doing. This builds on that, but is even more important.

If we want to succeed in something, we need a burning desire for what we do. We need to be willing to give everything we got in order to achieve what we want. We have to be willing to spend the extra hours on ourself and on our job.

“Establish your goal. give all your energy, will and effort to achieve it”

When we have our cause and desire for what we’re doing, we’re impossible to stop. Nothing can take away our drive towards our goals. Nothing can stand in our way. This is our life, and with those factors in place, there is nothing no one or anything can do to stop us.

A little story to describe desire:
There was a disciple and a master. The diciple asked the master “What is desire?”. The master said but little, and brought the disciple down to the water. The master took the disciple’s head, and held it under water. 30 seconds passed by. The disciple was calm and had no worries. 1 minute, still no worries. 1 minute, 30 seconds, the air started to run out, but the disciple kept calm. When 2 minutes passed by, the disciple’s need for air was so enormous. He startet moving, screaming, doing everything in his power to get some air. In the en he twisted his head after multiple tries, and were able to get to the surface for air again.

The story illustrates desire. How the disciple did EVERYTHING in his power to get what he so dearest wanted: air. He understood, in the end, how easy in actually was – twisting his head to get to the surfice. It’s when we do what it takes to get what we want, that we can achieve greatness.

The story also illustrated the importance on simplicity and small ajustments – our next topic.

Work with your desire, and the sky is the limit

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Why We Succeed

Setting goals for your better future

For everything in this world, it is important to have a good plan. Without a plan, we will not come very far. It’s important to know what we want before we go for it.

We all have goals in life. We want this, and we want that. However, what few people understand, is the importance of writing these goals down. By writing them down, we can focus on our goals more efficiently.

We already know that a company that does not have written- and spesific goals, won’t reach far. We know that these companies struggle because they don’t have anything to reach for. They just go with the flow and measure what has happened, instead of determining what will happen in the future. When investing in a stock we, of course, look at the financial current state (We will write more on stock investments later on). However, smart, long-term investors look at the company’s goals for the future. A good set of goals is without question one of the most important keys to increase.

Now, you might ask “well, what do you mean by setting goals?”. Well, we have to make lists. We have to make lists of every single achievement we want to accomplish within a given period of time. We need to establish long-term goals and short-term goals. We need to categorize them for a better overview of our goals. Always keep your list of goals close.

When we write down our goals, we need to start small. We need to get the feeling of achievement from the start to encourage us to keep on moving forward. Now, let’s talk in terms of economics. If you have a list of goals for your personal economy, write only positive goals of achievements. For most of us, we tend to only have enough to “get by”. Well, start making a list. One goal can be “Have $1000 untouched in my bank account until my next paycheck”. Maybe even start with $100.

When you’ve reached the goals, check it of. Feel proud of yourself while doing so. You have just achieved something!


Now, you want to get something checked off every day. Whenever you check a goal off, feel good about yourself. Feel the achievement, NO MATTER how small it is. This is a very important factor to get the drive you need to work towards your larger goals. The $1.000.000 goals!

Make a list of every category. Below, we show an example of how you can categorize.

First goal should be: “Started making the list of goals” – You will probably check that off today. Feel good about that. You have just made a huge investment in your future!


The lists of goals:

Economy: Example given above. Improve the list and make long-term goals.

Books to read: The importance of reading is underrated. It is important to read often. We read every day. Every day we read to improve our skills and understanding of what we’re doing. We recommand you to do the same. Buy a book. Read it. First goal: read the first chapter of a given book. next: Read half of the book. Next: Finish the book. Keep on doing this and ALWAYS increase the outcome. Always increase the number of books.

Experiences you want: We all have different things we want to do in life. From skydiving, diving, parachuting, travel the world, swim with dolphins etc. Write down this list, and sure enough, in time, you will achieve them. We like to explore ourselves, pump adrenalin, feel the beauty of living. Do things you love. Take the rollercoasters, interact with the animals, do it. write it all down and start experience! You’re going to be so glad you did.

Education and wealth for your family: As we spoke of in our earlier post, your cause for improvements in life could be the future for your kids. Write down specifically what you want for your family. It could just as well be your parent’s future of good nursing and care taking.

Love: Write down what love means to you and what you want of love in life. As you do this, you will start to attract what you want of love into your life.

Personal development: What do you want to become? It’s important to establish what you want to become in order to achieve what you want. It can be a better person. More smiles, more laughter, more love, more giving, more politeness, more discipline. Write down what you think you need to improve in these areas. This blog will also take you through what you might want to change to become a better self.

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Why We Succeed

The purpose that drives you

This is a very important topic. This is the foundation that drives us through the struggles and pain on our journey to great acheivements.

We need to establish our cause. A cause that wakes us up in the morning, the reason to walk towards the goal independent of hinders and difficulties on the way.

It is important to build your cause, so that you will never give up. So many people struggles hard for a long time and then decides to give up. What they don’t realise is that their goals of acheivements are so close that, in most cases, just a little bit further is what it takes. We need our cause for motivation to keep on going, not depending on others to drive us towards where we want to go.

drang along


The cause need to be of something greater than yourself. We all have different motivational factors, and have therefore different causes.


In terms of economics, it is not enough cause to “Want to get rich”. This is to vague and has no special drive to it.


Good motivational causes could be “I don’t want my children to grow up in poor circumstances as I did”. By establishing the cause, our children’s future then depends on how we perform.


Now you need to ask yourself:
What is my current cause?
Why do I do as I do?
Why do I need to achieve what I want to achieve?
– Does this cause give me the motivation I need to never give up, and keep on going until I avhieve my goals NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS?

This is
Why We Succeed


The Major Key to Your Better Future is You

This is the fundamental key of all keys to achievements in life. It is very important to understand the importance of self-improvement, self-education and personal development.

What most people don’t understand is how we all attract (And have attracted) everything in our lives. If you’re standing at a point in your life where everything goes wrong, you’re in major debt, failure in love and family life, as harsh as this might sound, you have attracted it into your life – you have to do something about it.


When things go wrong, we tend to blame everything and everyone else, except from ourselves. We forget to think that the outcome of what happens actually has everything to do with what we do, how we behave, how we relate, socializes and so on.

Throughout this program, we will acknowledge how you can change minor details in your life to improve a major outcome of what you acheive in life.

We suggest you follow the posts on this website and our facebook-page, and maybe, in some time, you will be the one giving us your testimonial on how YOU acheived greatness.


It starts with YOU.

A great man once said “It’s in the moment of decisions our future is designed, so choose wisely”

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Why We Succeed